Today, I had an individual meeting with the principal. (Yes, I still have a job.) It was basically just a check-in session to make sure I'm not of the brink of self-destruction (which I'm not fully sure of my status now).
Not to toot my own horn, but apparently, I'm rockin' it! This is not to say that I fully believe this, but according to my principal, for whom I have the utmost respect, I am. While I was secretly pleased at this bit of head-patting, it all makes sense now.
Definition of "it":
- Covering class
- Locker assignments
- And now, field trip planner lead on my team.
This was further confirmed by the following statement, "If I didn't know you, I wouldn't be able to tell you were a first-year teacher."
What? |
Now, I'll admit to stepping into some of "it" all on my own ("I'll cover her class. Just give me a second to grab a Diet Pepsi"). I'll also allow for the possibility that I may be too harsh a critic of myself, but heck, no. I exhibit all the signs of a new teacher: inefficiency, a general aura of I-do-not-know-how-to-teach-this, a constant feeling mix of fatigue and energy, and a look of "I'm in over my head" on my face everyday (or is this just me? Probably. Definitely.)
At the end of the day, though, whatever I'm doing, I need to do it better, so
I can
feel the swagger that apparently everyone else can see. I'll take it. Let's put this in the "win" category :)